Wednesday, January 22, 2025


Monika Kuffer

I am working as Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC, University of Twente). My main research interests are urban remote sensing, SDG monitoring, mapping deprived areas (e.g., slums), and analyzing urban form and dynamics with remote sensing and spatial statistics/metrics. Presently, I am is co-chairing an international network on deprivation area mapping IDEAMAPS and is presently working on two research projects related to deprivation area mapping SLUMAP and ACCOUNT. I have received her PhD from the University of Twente (NL) and one MSc in Human Geographer (TU Munich) and a second MSc in Geographic Information Science (University of London).

Jon Wang

My overarching research interests involve understanding the dynamics and interactions of geographic processes, with special focus on urban development and interventions to adapt to extreme events. In operationalizing my research, I primarily rely on earth observation-based techniques to measure variables, and geospatial analysis along with artificial intelligence to explore patterns in space and time. In the department of PGM, my major focuses are: (1) mapping urban morphology, and (2) understanding environmental risk of deprived groups.

Maxwell Owusu

I was born and grew up in Ghana. I received BSc Human Settlement Planning from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana and MSc in Geoinformation Science and Earth Observation from University of Twente, Netherlands. My research interest includes urban remote sensing,  mapping urban poverty, land use/cover change detection and modelling, end-user requirements and geo-ethics, application of citizen science in earth observation, and climate-change risk of urban poor.